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After you have completed an online module, you will have an online assessment to complete. This assessment contains 30 multiple-choice questions. You will have one hour to complete these questions, which are answered in sets of five, so you will have plenty of time to review and edit your answers. After an hour, the test will automatically time out.
After you have completed the test, your results will be displayed immediately. If you have passed, you will receive a certificate of completion. If you don’t pass, you will receive a notification of a “refer’’ where you will be told how to retake a module assessment. You can complete these modules at your own pace, as there is no deadline to complete the course. 
When the online modules have been successfully completed, you will then be able to take the final written assignments provided by Sego University College that test your knowledge and understanding of the modules. After successful completion of these assignments, you will receive your diploma from the OFQUAL awarding organization.
You will then be eligible to apply for progression onto a top up course through a recognised UK university on campus or by distance learning.